Rose Hill family,
This Sunday we will worship digitally for the eighth time since the COVID-19 crisis began. I know many of you, like me, are more than ready to be back worshipping together in our church building. For this reason, I want to give you a brief update on our plan for public worship.
Following recommendations given to us, our general board has decided to continue worshipping and meeting together online for at least the next three Sundays. This seems wisest to us given the current circumstances and our desire for the full safety of our church body. It will likely be June before we begin phasing back into public worship.
I am continually reminded that the church is not a building, it’s the people who gather inside and outside of it—and this is becoming more and more apparent throughout this crisis. I am especially thankful for all of you and the overwhelming response to our online ministry. If you have not yet joined a life group, I would encourage you to consider jumping in for some fellowship. It’s never too late to become a part of a life group. You can find more information and a link to the signup page below.
I miss our entire church family and am so looking forward to being back with you again. We want to make sure that when we finally gather together again in person that it is a moment of celebration and not one of fear. I ask that you continue to pray for our church leaders in this time of difficult decisions, as well as the entire church body.
If you have any needs or prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to pass them our way. We will continue to keep you updated and informed of our plans.
In Christ,
Pastor Mike